Wednesday, July 2, 2008

An excellent quote

This morning in my devotions I came across this quote. It is by Hannah Whitall Smith. I highlighted the part that was most convicting.

"I have noticed that wherever there has been a faithful following of the Lord in a consecrated soul, several things have, sooner or later, inevitably followed. Meekness and quietness of spirit become in time the characteristics of the daily life. A submissive acceptance of the will of God, as it comes in the hourly event of each day is manifested; pliability in the hand of God to do or to suffer all the good pleasure of His will; sweetness under provocation; calmness in the midst of turmoil and bustle; a yielding to the wishes of others, and an insensibility to slights and affronts; abscence of worry or anxiety; deliverance from care and fear. All these, and many other similar graces. are invariably found to be the natural outward development of that inward life which is hid with Christ in God."

Sweetness when provoked,
Calmness in turmoil,
Yielding to the wishes of others,
Unmoved by hurtful comments,
Free from worries, anxiousness, cares, or fears.

Lord, do this miracle in me today.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Bets. I'm linking you on sistergotslapped.

I'm also sending your bloglink to Jenny Hankinson.

love ya

Julie said...

Thanks for sharing this, Bets! Wow, something to ponder today and all the busy in it. Julie